How Often Should A Bearded Dragon Poop?

How Often Should A Bearded Dragon Poop? The answer to this question is determined by your bearded dragon’s age. Hatchlings and newborns need high-protein meals, so they poop at least once a day, but it’s …

How Often Should A Bearded Dragon Poop

Last Updated on January 21, 2025 by Lillian Dodd

How Often Should A Bearded Dragon Poop? The answer to this question is determined by your bearded dragon’s age. Hatchlings and newborns need high-protein meals, so they poop at least once a day, but it’s not uncommon for them to poop up to three times in 24 hours.

Yellow poop is also common if you feed your bearded dragon any food that’s high in calcium.  A healthy beardie poop should be formed with a distinct white part on the end or toward one of the sides or ends. The white color is the urate, or what represents.

How Often Should A Bearded Dragon Poop

How Often Should A Bearded Dragon Poop?

Because juvenile bearded dragons are transitioning from a baby to an adult diet, they consume more protein than adults. Pooping is normally done every day or two for children. Adult bearded dragons, defined as those over the age of 18 months, can poop on a daily or weekly basis.

A bearded dragon should poop every day or every other day. If your bearded dragon is not pooping regularly, it could be a sign of a health problem, and you show it every day to the vet.

Bearded dragons have a variety of different diets depending on their activity level and the frequency at which they go to poop.

What Is Bearded Dragon Poop?

Bearded dragons are unique in how they excrete their waste. Normal poop will be brown and log-shaped, slightly moist with white toward the end which is why it’s called “urine.” If your dragon has been pooping for less than 1-2 weeks then a warm water bath may help them pass stools easily.

Bearded dragon poop can be a good indicator of your dragon’s overall health. If you see any changes in your dragon’s poop, it’s important to take them to the vet so that they can determine if there is an underlying medical issue.

It should not be smelly or runny. If your dragon’s poop is watery, bloody, or has mucus in it, this could be a sign of illness and you should take them to the vet immediately.

If your dragon is pooping more frequently than this, it could be a sign of GI issues and you should take them to the vet.

If you see undigested food in your dragon’s poop, it could mean that they are not digesting their food properly. This can be a sign of illness, so you should take them to the vet.

Factors That Affect A Bearded Dragon Poop

There are a few factors that can affect how often your bearded dragon will poop. These include:


The number and type of passes a bearded dragon makes will depend on their age. Baby dragons do this more often than adults because they’re still developing, while fully grown creatures only go out once or twice per day.

A scale chart can be used to determine the age of your beardie. If they measure 3-4 inches long, then it’s less than 1 month old; 6 months will yield an estimate between 11 and 18-inch growth spans for adult dragons (who are usually at least 12 months).


A diet high in fiber will help promote regular bowel movements. Bearded dragons that eat mainly insects may have more irregular bowel movements than those that eat a mix of plants and animals.

The amount and frequency with which your bearded friend poops is determined by the type of diet and food they consume.

Diet Examples for Bearded Dragons

Bearded dragons thrive on a varied diet, which should ideally consist of both insects and vegetables. Popular choices include crickets, mealworms, and superworms, which provide essential protein and fat. Vegetables, such as collard greens, turnip greens, and squash, contribute necessary vitamins and fiber. It’s important to offer a balance, typically with 20% protein for adult dragons and higher for younger ones to support growth.


A warm environment will help encourage your bearded dragon to poop more regularly. A cool environment may make them less likely to poop as often.

Temperature plays a significant role in aiding digestion. Proper basking areas should range between 95°F to 110°F to ensure optimal digestive processes. Consistent temperatures help stimulate appetite and encourage regular pooping intervals.


Bearded dragons that are stressed may have decreased appetite and may not poop as often.


Dehydration can cause constipation and make it difficult for your bearded dragon to poop.

Hydration and Its Effects

Hydration is key in maintaining a healthy digestive system for bearded dragons. A lack of water can lead to constipation, impacting normal bowel movements. To ensure they receive enough water, owners can offer shallow water bowls, regularly mist their environment, or give gentle baths. These methods help maintain proper hydration levels, promoting regular digestion and pooping habits.


If your bearded dragon is, they may not have a regular appetite and may not poop as often. If you think your bearded dragon may be ill, please see a veterinarian.

Common Digestive Health Problems

Bearded dragons can face digestive issues like impaction, often caused by ingesting substrate or large, difficult-to-digest food items. Symptoms include reduced appetite and infrequent bowel movements. Regular checks and a suitable diet minimize risks, ensuring your pet’s digestive health.


Bearded dragons will typically poop less often when they are shedding their skin.


Adult bearded dragons will typically poop more frequently than juvenile or baby bearded dragons.


Male bearded dragons may poop more often than female bearded dragons.

Time Of Year

Bearded dragons may poop more during the warmer months than the cooler months.

All of these factors can affect how often your bearded dragon will poop. It is important to keep an eye on your bearded dragon’s poop to make sure they are pooping regularly and that their poop is healthy. If you notice any changes in your bearded dragon’s poop, please see a veterinarian.

When They Won’t Poop, What Does That Mean?

It’s critical to figure out why your bearded dragon has stopped pooping.

Bearded dragons have a natural lifespan of around five years, but they can live much longer if provided the right care. As your dragon ages, its poop will decrease in amount and frequency over time- this is completely normal! The loss of waste means that fewer nutrients are being consumed which may lead to an increased risk for illness or mineral deficiencies as these minerals come from what we refer call “poop powder.” Make sure you’re feeding him well into his golden years with plenty of fresh greens like romaine lettuce leaves alongside some insects every day; not only does it keep them happy now year-round (and secretly healthier).

Healthy poop is typically brown with a firm consistency, paired with a white urate segment. Changes in color or consistency, such as runny stools or discoloration, can signal health issues. Persistent changes warrant a vet check-up, as they might indicate dietary issues or health concerns requiring immediate attention.

Unusual Colors Of Poop To Be Aware Of

Bearded dragon owners should keep an eye on their pets’ poop color. Although it’s not always easy to tell the difference, some colors may indicate a potential health concern for your bearded friend! Some examples of abnormal colored droppings you might see include: 

  • Yellowish or brown piles that have no smell and look similar to horse manure; this could mean he has eaten something unhealthy such as cardboard or chocolate cake (not food though) 
  • Light pink deposits with small pieces floating around these could be pellet eaters which contain shellfish toxins so avoid giving them any treats unless supervised by someone knowledgeable l.


Check on your beardie every day and clean his enclosures on a regular basis to keep track of his bowel habits. This is a fantastic way to keep track of the health of your bearded dragon. Pay attention to changes in bowel movements because they can indicate a change in health. If you notice any changes, investigate deeper and, if necessary, get advice from your veterinarian.

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