How Many Crickets To Feed A Bearded Dragon?

How many crickets to feed a bearded dragon? This is a common question that many new bearded dragon owners have. The idea of feeding your bearded dragon greens with crickets may seem quite daunting. You …

How many crickets to feed a bearded dragon

Last Updated on January 15, 2025 by Miranda

How many crickets to feed a bearded dragon? This is a common question that many new bearded dragon owners have.

The idea of feeding your bearded dragon greens with crickets may seem quite daunting. You need to be sure that they are the right type for their dietary needs, but once you get them set up with these offerings it’s often all good.

Crickets are generally preferred by bearded dragon owners since they are more readily available at pet stores and are less expensive. Crickets are an excellent source of nutrition for bearded dragons, providing a significant amount of protein vital for their growth and development. They also contain essential vitamins and minerals, such as calcium and phosphorus, which help maintain healthy bones and metabolic functions. These nutrients are crucial, especially for young and growing dragons, ensuring they develop strong bones and muscles.

How Many Crickets To Feed A Bearded Dragon

Bearded dragons are omnivores, meaning they can eat both meat and vegetables. The bearded dragon diet contains leafy greens like kale or collard green. These should be offered across one to two feeding sessions each lasting about 15 minutes long with small finely textured food items being most ideal for this type of diet because it still has soft exoskeletons left in them.

Dead crickets or other dead prey should not be fed to a bearded dragon. When the feeding period is finished, avoid leaving uneaten bits of the crickets in the beardie’s tank.

Baby Bearded Dragons

Your juvenile dragon is considered a baby from birth to three months of age. Baby bearded dragons, like infants in other species, will require more frequent feedings throughout the day to maintain their health, extend their lifespan, and grow big and powerful.

To compensate for the lack of nutrients provided by leafy vegetables, you can dust them with calcium powder.

Allow your baby dragon to consume as many crickets as possible during each feeding session. Give your baby dragon as many crickets per day. There are five feeding sessions that last 5-10 minutes each, so you’ll need to feed him/her about 20 total insects in order for it to be enough! You can estimate how much they’re eating by figuring out when their hunger bar starts decreasing after several hours without taking any more food into account (about 1/2).

How Many Crickets To Feed A Baby Bearded Dragon

Baby beardies require a lot more protein as they grow, so feeding them more crickets can help them stay on pace with their growth and live longer. Crickets are likewise simple to gut load (that is, stuff them with nutritious greens), which can aid in the wellbeing of your bearded dragon. Gut loading involves feeding crickets a nutritious diet before offering them to your bearded dragon. By providing high-quality, calcium-rich foods such as leafy greens, carrots, and squash to the crickets, you enhance their nutritional value. This process ensures that your dragon receives maximum nutrients when consuming the crickets.

bearded dragon, australia, lizard

Adult Bearded Dragons

Once your dragon reaches a year old, it’s considered a young adult bearded dragon. Half of its food should be insects and half should be greens. Even if crickets are the only insect you’re feeding, you ought still to feed them twice a day for around 5 minutes each time. This will demonstrate to them that it is feeding time and not time to handle.

Handling and Storing Crickets

Proper handling and storage of crickets are essential to maintain their health and safety for your dragon. Crickets should be kept in a well-ventilated container at room temperature with plenty of food and water to stay alive. Using a substrate like egg cartons provides crickets a place to hide and helps keep them healthy until feeding time.

Factors That Determine How Many Crickets To Feed Your Bearded Dragon

The quantity of crickets and other insects you ought to feed your bearded dragon is determined by several factors, including its age, size, and degree of activity.

  • Age

A baby or juvenile bearded dragon will need more food per day than an adult dragon.

If you have a baby or juvenile bearded dragon, you may need to increase the number of crickets they eat each day (20-30 crickets per day).

Adult bearded dragons can be fed 10-15 crickets every other day. They eat fewer crickets

  • Size

As for how many crickets to feed your bearded dragon, it really depends on the size of your dragon. A good general rule of thumb is to offer 10-15 crickets per day for every 10 inches (25 cm) of your bearded dragon’s length.

So, if you have a 12-inch (30 cm) long dragon, you would offer 36-48 crickets per day. Of course, you will also need to offer other food items such as vegetables and fruits to ensure your dragon is getting a well-rounded diet.

One final note: Always remember to dust your crickets with a calcium supplement before feeding them to your bearded dragon. This is important for helping your dragon maintain healthy bones and muscles.

  •  Activity Level Of Your Dragon

If they are highly active, they will need more food to maintain their energy levels. Conversely, if they are less active, they will need fewer crickets. If you are unsure, it is always better to err on the side of feeding too many crickets rather than too few.

  • Their Appetite

Some dragons are voracious eaters and will devour anything you put in front of them, while others can be picky eaters and may only want to eat fewer crickets at a time.

If your bearded dragon is a picky eater, try offering them different types of insects or even chopped vegetables to see what they’re most interested in.

  • Frequency Of Meals

The frequency of meals will also affect how many crickets you need to keep on hand. If you feed your bearded dragon once per day, you’ll obviously need more crickets than if you’re feeding them three times per day. If you’re not sure how often to feed your bearded dragon, again, consult with a reptile veterinarian or experienced breeder.

Alternative Insects to Crickets

Besides crickets, there are other nutrient-rich insects you can feed your bearded dragon. Dubia roaches offer a high protein content and are easy to digest. Mealworms, while high in fat, can be offered in moderation. Silkworms and locusts can also be excellent choices for variety, providing different textures and nutrients to your pet’s diet. Each option has its own set of benefits, ensuring a balanced and varied diet.

Feeding Habits Of A Bearded Dragons

A bearded dragon’s diet consists of a variety of live prey items such as insects, smaller lizards, and rodents. In the wild, these reptiles also consume plant matter. In captivity, bearded dragons should be offered a diet that includes both live prey and fresh vegetables.

When choosing live prey for your bearded dragon, it is important to select items that are appropriately sized. Prey that is too large can pose a choking hazard, and prey that is too small can be difficult for your bearded dragon to digest. You should also avoid feeding your bearded dragon any live prey that has been treated with pesticides or other chemicals.

Fresh vegetables should make up a significant portion of your bearded dragon’s diet. These reptiles typically enjoy eating leafy greens, squash, and sweet potatoes. Bearded dragons should be offered a variety of vegetables to ensure that they are getting all of the nutrients they need.

When feeding live crickets to your bearded dragon, it is important to observe their hunting and eating habits. Some bearded dragons will eat their prey whole, while others may prefer to tear it into smaller pieces.

Signs of Overfeeding or Underfeeding

Monitoring your bearded dragon’s feeding habits is crucial to avoid overfeeding or underfeeding. Signs of overfeeding may include lethargy, obesity, or refusal to eat during scheduled feeding times. Conversely, underfeeding might result in weight loss, listlessness, and thinner body condition. Regularly weigh your dragon and adjust their diet based on their specific needs.


If your bearded dragon isn’t eating as many crickets as it should, there could be a problem. Make sure that you are offering the crickets where your bearded dragon can easily find them.

Dubia roaches are an excellent source of food for your dragon, yet many people are afraid of roaches.

Talk to your veterinarian if you’re still having trouble getting your bearded dragon to eat enough crickets and other feeder insects. They can help you figure out what the problem is and how to get your bearded dragon back on track.

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