Bearded Dragon Sunken Eyes: Causes & Treatment

Bearded dragons appear to be resilient to diseases. However, reality speaks the other. They’ll easily get sick if not properly cared for! Their eyes square measure a decent gauge on however they are doing. A …

bearded dragon sunken eyes

Bearded dragons appear to be resilient to diseases. However, reality speaks the other. They’ll easily get sick if not properly cared for!

Their eyes square measure a decent gauge on however they are doing. A healthy bearded dragon’s eyes ought to be clear, alert, and bright whereas a sick one is going to be lethargic.

One of the most common problems is sunken eyes. If you’re a brand new bearded dragon owner, this may cause you to fret as you do not apprehend precisely what’s happening.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss a number of causes for sunken eyes and other eye issues that your dragon could be experiencing!

Also read: How to stop bearded dragons from seeing reflection

Causes for Sunken Eyes

Bearded dragon sunken eyes may have been caused by;

  1. Dehydration
  2. Wrong habitat setup
  3. Diseases

Lets take a look at each in more detail.


Dehydration may have caused the sunken eyes of the bearded dragon. When beardies don’t obtain enough water from their meal, they become dehydrated. Alternatively, when they don’t drink any water at all. The majority of bearded dragons drink from their bowl.

Beardies, on the other hand, like to drink from flowing water rather than stagnant water. Dehydration might be the reason for your bearded dragon’s sunken eyes if he didn’t drink or consume fruits or other fluid meals. Wrinkly skin is another indicator of dryness. If your bearded dragon has sunken eyes and wrinkled skin, he is most likely dehydrated.

Bathing your beardie is a simple solution to this problem. Your beardie will be able to drink adequate water the entire time.

Wrong Habitat Setup

Consider the tank setup if dehydration isn’t the issue. This might be the reason for your bearded dragons’ sunken eyes.

Also Read: Why is your beardie scratching the floor?

It’s crucial to note that bearded dragons are used to semi-desert environments. This means that the artificial environment in captivity should be similar to their natural habitat. Beardies should be exposed to the proper temperature and light.

Adult bearded dragons, in comparison to younger beardies, require a somewhat colder basking habitat.

Bearded dragons are inquisitive creatures. As a result, they require a larger tank to accommodate their needs for leisure and adventure.


Sunken eyes in bearded dragons can be caused by a variety of health problems. If the illumination in the tank is inadequate, the metabolic bone disease may develop.

Sunken eyes in beardies can also be caused by an infection in the eyes.

The greatest thing you can do to help with this condition is to take your dragon to a veterinarian. And do it right away, before things become worse. Don’t waste your time speculating and attempting therapies that don’t work!

Other eye issues that your Bearded dragon may be facing include:

Bearded Dragon Droopy Eyes

Droopy eyes in bearded dragons can be caused by dehydration, renal problems, too much vitamin A, or parasites.

Bearded dragons’ eyes drooping isn’t a life-threatening condition, so don’t be concerned. If you get in touch with a reptile vet, you can preserve your pet’s life and avoid serious problems like blindness.

Bearded Dragon Eye Watering

A foreign item in the eye, similar to what you would experience if a speck of sand or grit went into your eye, is the most prevalent cause of eye watering in bearded dragons.

To assist eliminate whatever is irritating your eye, you can rinse it with water. When it comes to eliminating foreign particles from the eye, a simple saline solution can be quite beneficial.

Bearded Dragon Puffy Eyes

While eye-bulging is a common occurrence, it can sometimes be concerning. Another explanation for its frequency is that it is linked to excessive blood pressure. If your bearded dragon exhibits this behavior for more than an hour at a time, he should consult a veterinarian to ensure that his blood pressure is within normal limits.

Bearded Dragon Swollen Eyes

Eye edema is frequent in bearded dragons, and it can be caused by a variety of conditions ranging from infections to irritation.

When you observe eye swelling, you should seek veterinary help as soon as possible to avoid infection and receive the appropriate therapy.

A tumor, clogged tear ducts, and compromised blood vessels can all cause swollen eyes in bearded dragons.

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