Last Updated on May 13, 2022 by Miranda
The primary objective of keeping a bearded dragon is to foster bonding and affection. The majority of individuals acquire a beardie because they are sociable, tolerant of handling, and even enjoy human interactions. What’s the best way to tell whether a bearded dragon is content? And do I have a good relationship with my bearded dragon? Signs that your bearded dragon is happy, as well as how to determine if it loves and trusts you as a bearded dragon owner. Keep on reading if you want to know more about how to tell if your bearded dragon likes you.
1. Not Escaping from You
If your bearded dragon does not flee from you, it is an indication that it likes and trusts you.
It is normal for a new beardie to flee and hide a lot when introduced to a new environment. Your bearded dragon will get used to you and your presence with time, and he or she will no longer run away or hide.
When you come to get it, place your fingers under its chest and it will climb on you. That’s a good sign that your dragon likes you and is willing to handle you.
2. It’s Flexible and Will Sit on Your Shoulder or Lay on Top of You for an Extended Period.
Bearded Reptile
If your bearded dragon likes laying on your chest or even sitting on your shoulder or legs for a long time, it indicates that it’s satisfying and your pet likes you.
Once a bearded dragon becomes accustomed to its owner, it is very likely to enjoy being around this individual (or few) for extended periods of time. Being near or on their body is an indication of great happiness and contentment.
When a bearded dragon slumbers on you when stroking its head and resting with it, it’s another excellent indication of trust and comfort.
3. Fine with Your Affection
Signs that a bearded dragon likes you
If your bearded dragon allows you to pick it up and is okay with you holding it, it’s a great indication. Because of this, your bearded dragon is clearly ecstatic about you and appreciates you. If your bearded dragon is unhappy for any reason, it will not allow you to pick it up and will be nervous.
However, there may be times when your beardie doesn’t want to be picked up, and this is natural. Your dragon will be ecstatic with this news, but it won’t make her any less delighted with her new addition. Many bearded dragons have distinct personalities, and they may want to be left alone at times during the breeding season, when shedding season occurs, or anything else.
4. When Your Dragon Appears to be Peaceful and Non-threatening
Bearded dragons are displaying signs of aggressiveness, including a black and puffed beard and an open-mouthed expression.
When your bearded dragon appears to be calm and friendly, you may claim that it is pleased with you and shows no indications of aggressiveness.
It’s fantastic if your bearded dragon isn’t biting, bobbing its head, puffing up its beard when you come near, or hissing at you. A calm bearded dragon will be unaggressive and won’t attempt to fight back.
5. Your Bearded Dragons are Eating, Basking, Defecating and Sleeping as Usual.
Do your beardies like you?
If your beardies fulfill all the requirements of its species, it is satisfied. Sleeping, eating properly, basking, and defecating are all essential activities that keep your bearded dragon healthy and cheerful.
The majority of a bearded dragon’s pleasure comes from meeting its basic needs and having all of the amenities of life. They are also able to do them physically.
6: When You Go Outside to See Your Bearded Dragon, It Will Ask You to Come Out.
A bearded dragon will stand on its back legs and even scratch the glass to get out if it is accustomed to being in its home and getting familiar with its proprietor. So, in this case, beardies will rise up on all four legs and even scratch the glass to escape.
This is a common practice among bearded dragons, and they become accustomed to it. Most bearded dragons are like tiny dogs! If you show your beard dragon that you trust it and that you care about its well-being, it will enjoy spending time outside the tank and will eagerly anticipate your arrival every day to do so.
7: It Is Full of Life and Appears to Be Healthy.
Bearded dragons are usually cheerful. A healthy bearded dragon is vigilant, active, eats and defecates on a regular basis, and appears interested in his surroundings. A healthy bearded dragon’s eyes will also be attentive, and they will constantly want to look around and ask about things.
The eyes of a sick or unhappy bearded dragon will reveal it. A sick bearded dragon will also be sluggish and uninterested in its surroundings.
If your bearded dragon is upset, it will be hiding, breathing rapidly, displaying aggressive behavior, and its beard or belly maybe black.
8: Affirmative Body Language of Many Bearded Dragons
Bearded dragons, in fact, do use a variety of body language signals to communicate. There are both negative and positive body language messages available. You’ll learn which ones are good behavior and bad over time; some can have several meanings. In the same way, the bearded dragons recognize positive body language too.
If your bearded dragon’s eyes are open wide with the pupils dilated, it indicates that it is interesting and calm around you. Bearded dragons might wave, which implies submission and friendliness.
It’s a sign of happiness and interest if your bearded dragon’s curved mouth that will show that the bearded dragon is happy. If your dragon’s mouth is curved but open, it implies that it is frightening or aggressive. Aggression is a big sign. Stress and aggression can ruin their good mood.
A happy, confident beardie will usually lay on its back with all four legs in the air – this is known as thermoregulation and indicates that your dragon is warm enough and comfortable.
Learn About Bearded Dragon’s Happiness through Body Language
How to Tell If Your Bearded Dragon Likes You: Some of the positive body language signs are:
- Eyes wide open and relaxed
- Pupils are dilated
- Lying on its back with all four legs in the air
- Waving
- Tail wagging, arm-waving
- Head bobbing (only when done slowly)
- Smiling, loud noises
- Nodding
- Closed mouth
- Beard not blackened or puffed up
- Sleeping with one eye open is a great sign of a happy bearded dragon.
Some of the negative body language signs are:
These are the common signs.
- Eyes narrow and focused (could be ready to strike)
- Pupils are constricted
- Hissing
- Gaping mouth
- Beard blackened or puffed up
- Tail twitching
- Body tensed and ready to strike
- Sleeping with both eyes closed (could be sick)
9: Sleeping with One Eye Open
If your bearded dragon is sleeping with one eye open, it means that it’s content and happy. It feels safe and relaxed enough to fall asleep while partially aware of its surroundings.
Some bearded dragons sleep with both eyes closed, but this could also be a sign of illness, so it’s important to keep an eye on your dragon if this happens.