Can Bearded Dragons Eat Bees?

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Bees? Bearded dragons are omnivorous animals and can eat a variety of different things. In the wild, they will eat small insects, plants, and fruits. This includes bees! While it is …

Last Updated on May 13, 2022 by Miranda

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Bees? Bearded dragons are omnivorous animals and can eat a variety of different things. In the wild, they will eat small insects, plants, and fruits. This includes bees! While it is not necessary to feed your bearded dragon bees, you can if you would like.

Bearded Dragons eat many wild caught insects, such as poisonous spiders, wax worms, bumble bee, and other wild insects. So, bearded dragons eat bees and other insects but some can have a harmful effects on the reptiles. But be careful as bees can sting your reptile or maybe your reptile is allergic to bees. So, let’s dive into this article to know more.

bearded dragons eating bees

Can Bee Stings Kill bearded Dragons?

Bee stings can be dangerous, and even deadly, for bearded dragons. While a single bee sting is unlikely to kill a healthy bearded dragon, multiple stings can be fatal. In addition, some bearded dragons are allergic to bee venom and can go into anaphylactic shock after being stung.

Symptoms of an allergic reaction can include swelling of the face and throat, difficulty breathing, and an increased heart rate. If you suspect your bearded dragon has been stung by a bee, it is important to seek veterinary care immediately. Treatment will vary depending on the severity of the reaction but may include antihistamines, steroids, and oxygen therapy.

While bearded dragons can technically eat bees, it is not recommended. Bee stings can be dangerous, and even fatal, for these reptiles. If you do decide to feed your bearded dragon a bee, make sure to watch closely for any adverse reactions. And as always, if you have any concerns about your reptile consult your vet immediately. With prompt treatment, most bearded dragons will make a full recovery from a bee sting.

Is Bee Safe for Bearded Dragons To Eat?

There is much debate over whether or not Bee is safe for bearded dragons to eat. Some argue that it contains too much fat and can be hazardous if consumed in large quantities. Others argue that having almost no calcium bees have zero nutritional value to add to the bearded dragon’s diet and only be an occasional treat.

Ultimately, the decision about whether or not to feed this food to your pet will depend on a variety of factors, including its health status, diet history, and individual sensitivities. If you are unsure about Bee and whether or not it is safe for your bearded dragon, it is best to consult with a veterinarian or reptile expert before making any changes to your pet’s diet.

With proper care and careful monitoring, enjoying Bee Safe as an occasional treat can be safe and beneficial for many beardies!

What Will Happen If My Bearded Dragon Eats A Lot Of Bees?

While a few bees here and there probably won’t hurt your bearded dragon, eating too many of them can be risky. Bees are high in fat, and too much fat can be hazardous for your bearded dragon. If your bearded dragon ate a lot of bees, they could die. So, it’s best to avoid letting them eat too many bees.

Bees can be a part of your bearded dragon’s diet, but you should be careful. Feed them bees in moderation and make sure they don’t eat too many of them. If you have any concerns, consult with a veterinarian or reptile expert. With proper care, your bearded dragon will enjoy eating bees.

Is Bee-Honey Good For Bearded Dragons?

While many people may think of bee honey as a tasty treat for themselves, it can actually be risky for bearded dragons. High levels of sugar in honey can upset the stomach and lead to diarrhea, which can be very detrimental to bearded dragons.

To avoid these adverse effects, it is important to remove the honey from the food before feeding it to your bearded dragon. However, if you are able to find pure and natural bee honey that has not been processed or refined, it can sometimes be an acceptable food source for your reptile friend.

Just make sure to remove all traces of honey before introducing the food, and be on the lookout for any signs of upset stomach or diarrhea. Ultimately, only you and your vet can determine what’s best for your particular beardie, but choosing a diet that is low in sugar and rich in nutrients is almost always a good idea!

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Bees?

What To Do If You Think Your Bearded dragons ate a Bee?

It’s risky for your bearded dragon to eat a bee. The bee could have stung your dragon, which could result in an upset stomach or diarrhea. If you think your dragon has eaten a bee, it’s best to take him to the vet right away.

The vet can determine whether or not the bee sting was harmful and provide the necessary treatment. In some cases, the vet may recommend giving your dragon a pain reliever to help relieve any discomfort. If your dragon is having difficulty swallowing or is showing signs of distress, the vet may also recommend giving him a liquid diet for a few days.

By taking these precautions, you can help ensure that your dragon recovers quickly from either eating a bee or a bee sting and doesn’t experience any long-term effects.

Bearded dragons can be allergic to bees as well. Swelling of the face and throat, difficulty breathing, and an elevated heart rate are all symptoms of an allergic reaction. If you think your dragon is having an allergic reaction, it’s important to take him to the vet right away so he can receive the necessary treatment.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Bees?


Bees aren’t safe for your bearded dragons. They have little nutritional value for your bearded dragon. Bees can be a part of your bearded dragon’s diet, but you should be careful. Feed them bees in moderation and make sure they don’t eat too many of them. If you have any concerns, consult with a veterinarian or reptile expert. With proper care, your bearded dragon will enjoy eating bees.

So, be careful when considering feeding bees to your Breaded Dragon. Make sure to do your research and always consult with a professional beforehand! Thanks for reading and as always, feel free to check out our other articles for any other questions you have about your bearded dragon.

Can bearded dragons eat bees? Hope this article has answered the questions. Thank you for reading!

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