Why Isn’t My Bearded Dragon Pooping? 

Why isn’t my bearded dragon pooping? In this blog post, we will discuss the most common causes of constipation in bearded dragons and how to treat it. If your bearded dragon is having trouble passing …

Last Updated on January 14, 2025 by Miranda

Why isn’t my bearded dragon pooping? In this blog post, we will discuss the most common causes of constipation in bearded dragons and how to treat it. If your bearded dragon is having trouble passing stool, it is important to get him help as soon as possible. Constipation can lead to serious health problems if left untreated.

Why Isn’t My Bearded Dragon Pooping?

why isn’t my bearded dragon pooping

You’ve been taking care of your little bearded dragon for a while now. You’ve done your research, set up their habitat, and are generally pretty confident in your reptile-keeping skills. So why isn’t your beardie pooping?

There could be several reasons why your bearded dragon isn’t pooping. If you’re concerned about your reptile’s lack of bowel movements, here are a few potential causes to consider.

  1. Lack Of Food: one common reason why bearded dragons don’t poop is that they’re not eating enough food. If your beardie isn’t getting enough calories, their digestive system will slow down and they may eventually stop pooping altogether. Make sure you’re offering them a varied diet of leafy greens, insects, and vegetables, and that they’re eating enough. Ensure your bearded dragon receives a balanced diet that includes a mix of leafy greens such as collard greens, mustard greens, and dandelion greens, which are rich in fiber. Insects should include crickets, mealworms, and small roaches, each dusted with calcium, ideally fed every other day for adults. For hydration, consider adding water-rich vegetables like cucumbers and bell peppers. A varied diet not only prevents constipation but also promotes overall health.
  1. Dehydration: Another potential cause of constipation in bearded dragons is dehydration. Dehydration is a common cause of constipation in adult bearded dragons. When your bearded dragon is dehydrated, its stool will become dry and difficult to pass. Make sure their water dish is always full, and consider offering them a bath once a week to help encourage them to drink.

Signs of Dehydration

Bearded dragons can show signs of dehydration, such as sunken eyes, lethargy, wrinkled skin, or loss of appetite. Additionally, if their skin elasticity is poor, it can indicate dehydration. You can test this by gently pinching the skin; if it doesn’t spring back, your dragon might need more fluids. These signs help owners identify dehydration early, potentially preventing constipation.

  1. Impaction: impaction occurs when your bearded dragon ingests something it can’t digest. Most bearded dragon’s poop become impacted due to random objects, loose substrates, or large feeder insects. Common causes of impaction include eating sand, dirt, or other substrates like yellow squash, eating too much calcium without enough vitamin D3, or ingesting small rocks or toys.

Safe Substrates to Prevent Impaction

Choosing the right substrate for your bearded dragon’s habitat is crucial to prevent impaction. Opt for safe substrates like reptile carpet, paper towels, or tiles. Loose substrates like sand and wood chips can be hazardous, as they are often ingested accidentally and contribute to impaction. Maintaining a liner substrate avoids this risk, leading to a healthier environment for your dragon.

  1. Lack of fiber: another common cause of constipation in bearded dragons is a lack of fiber in the bearded dragon’s diet. Get your bearded dragon a diet that is high in fiber to help them move their bowels regularly. 

A Bearded dragon may also not poop because it is brumating, it’s normal. This is especially if a bearded dragon is not eating much at all. If it’s eating a little either because it is a picky eater or lacks appetite and doesn’t poop in more than a week, then you can help your bearded dragon poop by soaking your bearded dragon to make it poop. Make sure to always help your bearded dragon poop everything out before brumation starts, to avoid constipation and food rotting.

Understanding Brumation and Its Effects on Digestion

Brumation is a natural hibernation-like state in reptiles, including bearded dragons, typically occurring in the colder months of the year. During brumation, bearded dragons will eat less, reduce their activity significantly, and may not defecate regularly. Owners should ensure their pet expels all waste before brumation begins, to prevent food from decomposing inside the digestive tract. Offering a bath prior to brumation can assist in this process.

Do Baby Bearded Dragons Poop More Than Adult Bearded Dragons?

why isn’t my bearded dragon pooping

If you have a baby bearded dragon, you may have noticed that they seem to poop a lot! Why is this? It turns out that there are a few reasons why baby bearded dragons may poop more than their adult counterparts. First of all, baby dragons have faster metabolisms than adults, so their digestive systems is working overtime. Second, baby bearded dragons grow quickly and shed their skin frequently, which can also lead to increased bowel movements and runny stool. 

As a result of the young age, young beardie dragons are especially prone to problems with constipation and impaction. Your bearded dragon not pooping could be for several reasons. The first thing to do is check whether there is any blockage in the rectum or cloaca. This can be caused by a buildup of feces, urates, or shed skin. If you see any blockage, you should gently remove it with a cotton swab or Q-tip. If the blockage is not removed, it can cause serious health problems for your bearded dragon. 

How To Have A Healthy Bearded Dragon Poop?

Your bearded dragon poop may also be constipated if it is not getting enough fiber in its diet and this will affect bowel movements. If your bearded dragon isn’t eating enough watery vegetables, it may become constipated. You can try giving your baby bearded dragon a bath in warm water to help stimulate bowel movements. If your baby bearded dragon still isn’t pooping, it’s important to see a veterinarian as soon as possible. Constipation and impaction can be serious health problems for adult beardies and can even lead to death.

What Role Does Healthy Digestion Play In Bearded Dragon Pooping?

A healthy gut is extremely important for all animals, including reptiles like bearded dragons. Unfortunately, many owners don’t realize that there are a few key things necessary for their bearded dragon to have healthy digestion. Without these key components, bearded dragons tend to become seriously ill. The first and most important thing for healthy digestion is a proper diet. Adult bearded dragons need a diet that consists of both live prey and mostly green vegetables. The live prey should be dusted with calcium powder to ensure that the bearded dragon gets enough of this important nutrient. Vegetables should make up about 20-25% of the diet and should be fed daily. Another important aspect of healthy digestion is adequate hydration. Bearded dragons need to drink water every day to stay hydrated and promote healthy digestion. Water can be offered in a shallow bowl or through a misting bottle. Finally, your bearded dragon needs access to a good basking spot. Basking helps promote healthy digestion by stimulating muscular activity and aiding in food breakdown. By providing these key components, you can help ensure that your bearded dragon has healthy digestion.

How Do I Help My Beardie Poop Better?

First, make sure they’re getting enough water. Dehydration can lead to constipation, so ensure that your dragon has plenty of fresh, clean water to drink. You can also try adding a salad bowl to their diets, like lettuce or spinach. The extra moisture will help to keep them hydrated and may help ease constipation.

If your bearded dragon is still having trouble pooping, there are a few home remedies you can try. One is to turn off loud noises, secondly, give them a warm bath, which can help relax their muscles and make it easier to poop. You can also offer vegetable or mineral oil, such as olive oil or sunflower, a massage on their belly gently to help move things along.

If home remedies don’t seem to be helping, it’s best to take your bearded dragon to the vet. They can check for any underlying health issues that could be causing constipation, and will be able to provide more specific treatment. With proper care, your beardie should be back to normal in no time!


If you have a bearded dragon, you know that one of the most important things to pay attention to is their poop. Most bearded dragons poop every day, and their poop is well-formed and a healthy brown color. If your bearded dragon isn’t pooping, it could be a sign of a health problem. Common causes of constipation in bearded dragons include dehydration, lack of fiber in the diet, and calcium deficiency. If your bearded dragon isn’t pooping, make sure to take them to the vet to rule out any potential health problems. In the meantime, you can try giving them a warm bath or massage to help stimulate their digestive system.

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