Why Is My Bearded Dragon Laying In His Water Bowl? 

Why is my bearded dragon laying in his water bowl? There could be a few reasons why this is happening. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the most common reasons why your …

can bearded dragons eat watermelon

Last Updated on January 3, 2025 by Miranda

Why is my bearded dragon laying in his water bowl? There could be a few reasons why this is happening. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the most common reasons why your bearded dragon might be doing this and what you can do to help him out!

Why Is My Bearded Dragon Laying In His Water Bowl?

why is my bearded dragon laying in his water bowl

Many bearded dragon owners ask why their bearded dragon is spending so much time in its water dish. While it may seem like a wash dish, there are a few reasons why your bearded dragon might be doing this. 

  1. For one, the water bowl is usually warmer than the surrounding air, so it can be a cozy place for your bearded dragon to relax its body inside.
  2. Your bearded dragon loves its water dish because it is trying to cool off. Bearded dragons come from hot, dry environments and they regulate their body temperature by basking in the sun. If your bearded dragon is too hot, he or she may lay in the water bowl to cool down or bathe.
  3. Your bearded dragon loves its water dish because it is sick or stressed. When reptiles are sick or stressed, they often stop eating and drinking. If your bearded dragon has stopped drinking water, he or she may be trying to get moisture from the water bowl. 

Dietary Needs and Hydration: Bearded dragons often acquire their water needs from a moisture-rich diet, primarily consisting of vegetables like collard greens, bell peppers, and squash. Integrating such vegetables into their diet not only helps keep them hydrated but also ensures they receive a balanced intake of nutrients. These dietary choices are crucial in maintaining the overall health and hydration of your bearded dragon.

  1. It could be that your bearded dragon’s water bowl is dirty. If the bowl is dirty, your bearded dragon may be trying to wash it out with his or her body. If you think that this is the case, you should wash the water dish and fill it with fresh water.
  2. Your bearded dragon loves its water bowl because it is trying to drink water. Bearded dragons get most of the water they need from the food they eat, but they still need to drink water every day to stay hydrated. If your bearded dragon is panting with its mouth open or licking its lips it needs to drink water. your bearded dragon spending a lot of time in his water bowl could be a sign that he’s not getting enough water from his food and needs to drink water and you could help provide water. 
  3. Your bearded dragon loves its water dish because it may just be boring and looking for something to do. If he doesn’t have any other toys or environmental enrichment in his enclosure, laying in his water bowl may be the only thing keeping him entertained.

Water Bowl Depth and Safety: Ensuring that the water bowl is appropriately sized is vital for your bearded dragon’s safety. The bowl should be shallow enough to prevent drowning risks, yet deep enough to allow occasional soaking. A safe guideline is that the water should not exceed the height of your dragon’s legs to prevent accidental submersion.

  1. Hot weather is one of the primary reasons why bearded dragons lay in their water bowls. When the temperature outside starts to climb, bearded dragons will often seek out sources of water to help them stay cool. Water bowls are a popular choice, as they provide relief from the heat and also help to keep the dragon’s skin hydrated. In addition, basking in a bowl of water can help bearded dragons regulate their body temperature and prevent them from becoming too warm. it’s perfectly normal for bearded dragons to immerse its entire body its their water bowls during hot weather. Some bearded dragons drink or prefer to poop while soaking in.

    Finally, some bearded dragons simply enjoy taking a dip now and then! If you notice that your bearded dragon is spending an unusual amount of time in its water bowl, it’s important to make sure that the water is clean and the bowl is shallow enough for your dragon to comfortably soak in. By providing a clean and comfortable water dish, you can help your bearded dragon avoid both health problems and happiness.

Whatever the reason, if you find your bearded dragon laying in his or her water bowl, it’s best to consult with a veterinarian to seek professional medical advice and rule out any health concerns.

Is The Shedding Process A Good Reason To Allow Bearded Dragons Or A Bearded Dragon Sleep In Its Water Bowl?

why is my bearded dragon laying in his water bowl

Skin shedding is a process that bearded dragons undergo periodically. Skin that is old and no longer functioning properly is shed in patches or all at once. Skin shedding usually occurs when the humidity in the enclosure is too low. When the air is too dry, it causes the outer layer of the skin to dry out and crack. To shed their skin properly, bearded dragons need to soak in water for long periods of time. This allows them to rehydrate their skin and loosen the outer layer so that it can be shed more easily. When the humidity in their enclosure is not high enough, bearded dragons will often lie in their water bowl to raise the humidity around them and make it easier to shed their skin. In addition to aiding in skin shedding, soaking in water can also help bearded dragons to cool down if they are overheating. As a result, it is not unusual for bearded dragons to spend extended periods soaking in their water bowl. If you notice your bearded dragon spending an excessive amount of time in his water bowl, it is likely because he is trying to shed his skin. Try misting his enclosure with water a few times per day to help increase the humidity and make it easier for him to shed his skin successfully.

Preferred Temperature and Humidity Levels: Creating an environment that mimics a bearded dragon’s natural habitat involves maintaining optimal temperatures between 75-85°F (24-29°C) with a basking spot reaching up to 110°F (43°C). Humidity levels should remain around 30-40%, as higher humidity can lead to respiratory issues, while lower levels can cause dehydration and shedding problems.

Why Does My Bearded Dragon Sleep In The Water Dish?

It’s not uncommon to see your bearded dragon lying in his water bowl. It’s quite common! There are a few reasons why your bearded dragon might sleep in his water bowl rather than its tank. First, unlike the tank, the water bowl provides a humid environment which is beneficial for your bearded dragon’s skin. Second, the water bowl is usually cooler than the rest of the bearded dragon’s tank, so it can provide a nice cool spot for your bearded dragon to relax. If the humidity in his tank is too low, he may drink more water than usual and then sleep in it to help increase the moisture levels in his body. Finally, the water bowl can act as a natural security blanket for your bearded dragon. If you notice that your bearded dragon is spending more time sleeping in his water bowl rather than its tank, it might be a good idea to provide him with a second hiding spot in his tank so he can have a choice of where to sleep. You shouldn’t worry about the water level or how much water your bearded dragon drink. If you are wondering if it is okay for your bearded dragon to take his or her naps there, always remove any fecal matter or soiled water from your bearded dragon’s tank immediately or as soon as you see it.

Behavioral Observation and Record-Keeping: Observing and documenting your bearded dragon’s behavior around their water bowl can be insightful. Maintaining a simple log of when and how often your bearded dragon uses the water bowl can help you identify behavioral trends or sudden changes. This information can be immensely beneficial when consulting a veterinarian if you suspect health issues.


There are a few reasons why your bearded dragon may be laying in his water bowl. He could be trying to cool off, getting hydrated, he could be sick, or he could simply be bored. If you think your bearded dragon is sick, take him to the vet immediately. Otherwise, try to provide him with some more interesting things to do, like hiding places and toys, and make sure he has a warm basking spot.

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