Last Updated on January 16, 2025 by Lillian Dodd
What Is A Dunner Bearded Dragon? Bearded dragons make great pets for those who are just starting out with animal ownership. They can grow up to 2 feet long and live 10 years!

Bearded dragons have a special patch on their throat that becomes inflated when they feel threatened or intimidated. They are one of the most common reptiles kept in captivity, and this behavior is what gives them such an amazing look with those dangerous-looking teeth.
What Is A Dunner Bearded Dragon
A Dunner Morph bearded dragon is a type of dragon that is characterized by its distinctive dark-colored scales. The Dunner bearded dragon is a subspecies of the Pogona vitticeps species, which is also known as the inland or common bearded dragon.
This species can be found in the arid, semi-desert regions of Australia. The Dunner bearded dragon gets its name from the spiny growths on its back, which resemble dunces’ caps.
Habitat and Environmental Requirements
Dunner bearded dragons thrive in enclosures that mimic their natural arid environment. A spacious terrarium measuring at least 40 gallons is ideal for a single adult dragon. Ensure the habitat includes a gradient of temperatures, with a basking spot around 95-105°F and a cooler area at 75-85°F. UVB lighting is crucial for preventing metabolic bone disease, and it should be replaced every six months to maintain effectiveness. Include plenty of hiding spots, branches, and rocks for climbing and basking to keep your Dunner actively engaged and comfortable.
A dunner bearded dragon is still a Bearded Dragon, but it’s been bred to have certain traits that make them stand out. These lizards vary in scale and color patterns as well has to have slightly different foot sizes than the standard variety of this animal.
The Dunner bearded dragon is a popular pet reptile due to its docile nature and easy care requirements. They are generally hardy lizards and can live for up to 15 years with proper care. Dunner bearded dragons make great pets for both beginners and experienced reptile keepers alike.
Characteristics Of The Dunner Bearded Dragon
- In the wild, its diet consists of insects, small mammals, and reptiles. It will also eat fruit and vegetables. In captivity, the Dunner bearded dragon can be fed a diet of crickets, mealworms, and waxworms, as well as dark, leafy greens and vegetables.
- It is a medium-sized lizard, reaching up to 24 inches in length. It is brown or tan, with dark bands running across its body.
- The Dunner bearded dragon has a long, flathead and a triangular snout.
- Its eyes are large and have round pupils. Like all bearded dragons, the Dunner bearded dragon has a flap of skin under its chin, which it can puff out to make itself look larger.
- The Dunner bearded dragon is a terrestrial lizard, meaning that it spends most of its time on the ground.
- It is an excellent climber, however, and can often be found basking in trees or on rocks.
- The Dunner bearded dragon is omnivorous, meaning that it feeds on both plants and animals.
Behavior and Temperament
Dunner bearded dragons are known for their gentle demeanor, making them excellent companions. They often display curious behavior and enjoy observing their surroundings. Regular handling can help them become more accustomed to human interaction, although it’s important to handle them gently and frequently to reduce stress. Recognizing signs of stress, such as dark stress marks on the belly, can help you adjust their environment or routine to improve their well-being.
Physical Features Of A Dunner Bearded Dragon
- The Scale
The key physical difference between a regular bearded dragon and the dunner is that typically, teardrop-shaped scales cover most of their body in contrast to cone-shaped ones.
The scales on a dunner bearded dragon are less smooth than those of the regular variety.
The scale direction of a dunner bearded dragon can be either up or down. If you are unsure of which way your bearded dragon’s scales are pointing, take a close look at their tail. The scales on the upper part of their tail will point towards their head, while the scales on the lower part of their tail will point away from their head.
- Pattern Of The Scale
They have unique scales patterns which make them stand out even more so than if they were just plain old white/ole bisected by some lines here & there.
The scales on a dunner bearded dragon have more color patterns and are jagged than those of their cousins.
The shape is rather random, with plenty of variation in size or placement throughout each scale so you never know what to expect next.
- Difference In Colouration
With its vibrant colors and unique pattern, the dunner bearded dragon is a showstopper.
In addition, the colors of a dunner will present differently on its skin than they would in an adult beardie.
Instead of the symmetrical stripes that most dragons have, the dunner often has spots that appear in a random pattern.
- Size Of The Foot
The differences between the dunner bearded dragon and standard Bearded dragons are notable. First off, their feet and foot shape aren’t as red in coloration as many other breeds that are often seen with this type of lizard species; instead, they’re more brownish-yellow or even orangey-red at times.
Because of their long, furry feet and nails that curl up at the edges like hair on a human’s face- these creatures are often mistaken for beards until you notice all those little black dots.
- Skin Texture
Due to their more natural appearance, dunner bearded dragons have a rougher and bumpier feel.
The skin of a dunner bearded dragon is covered in tiny grooves that are reminiscent of rope. They can be found all over, but might not always show up when looking at their scales closely because they’re so small you’ll need an expert’s help for this one.
Breeding and Genetics
Breeding Dunner bearded dragons involves understanding their specific genetic traits. Dunners are bred for their unique scale patterns and coloration. However, it’s essential to select healthy breeding pairs to avoid genetic issues such as tail kinks or deformities. Breeding should be approached with care and consideration, ensuring that offspring are healthy and have good temperaments.
- Pattern On The Tail
The tails of most bearded dragons have bands of slightly varying colors going down them. These thin, well-defined stripes continue all around the widths and lengths to make it easy for you to identify your pet when they’re hiding underneath furniture or among plants.
Dunner bearded dragons have speckled and spotted patterns on their tails. The dunner bearded dragon’s tail is quite different from other breeds. Instead of having a smooth finish and becoming darker at the end as most other types do, this breed has speckled patterns throughout its length which give it an interesting shine in contrast to their bushy fur coats.
- Lines of Tension
When a beardie gets stressed, their bellies can turn dark. This normally appears as an oval form on the dragon’s abdomen with no additional colors in its lateral stripe pattern, as well as some fuzzy white stripes near its chin or neck area.
The stress marks on a dunner bearded dragon are different and more distinct than those of other breeds. Stress markings on a dunner bearded dragon appear as crisp and precise circles.
Health and Common Diseases
Like all bearded dragons, Dunners can be prone to health issues if not cared for properly. Common health problems include parasitic infections, respiratory issues, and metabolic bone disease. Maintaining proper UVB exposure and a balanced diet rich in calcium can prevent many of these ailments. Regular veterinary check-ups are advisable to catch potential health issues early and ensure your Dunner stays healthy and vibrant.
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