Last Updated on May 13, 2022 by Miranda
Are you concerned that your bearded dragon is lonely?
Do you intend to breed bearded dragons?
Do you want to expand your enclosure with a second pet?
What Can Live With A Bearded Dragon? It’s important to maintain a healthy bearded dragon, so be sure you are feeding them the right food and providing them with a good environment.
What Can Live With A Bearded Dragon?
The adult bearded dragon is an intelligent, solitary, animal that can live in homes with different species of similar-sized animals or those from dry, hot environments in a natural environment.
It is important to keep the male bearded dragon and the female bearded dragon pet reptiles apart. If you want your pet dragon healthy, they shouldn’t be sharing their enclosure with another male or female of the same species because he might try mating with them which can lead to many problems for both parties involved- especially since this process usually results in death!
It’s also recommended if possible just get one gender as an individual so there aren’t any mixed babies; however, even though this may seem like what would happen anyways due to how aggressive some Bearded Dragons have been seen acting towards each other before surprisingly enough during times where conditions allow themselves become very close friends despite being from separate tribes.
You now know if you can place and keep another adult dragon or reptile-like nocturnal geckos and leopard geckos, blue tongue skinks, and other reptiles with your beardie.
Sharing Space With Bearded Dragons
Bearded dragons are naturally wanderlusty. They need plenty of room to roam and explore in captivity, but since they can grow up quite large (the average length for a male is 5-6″,
while females typically only reach 3″), it’s important that you provide them with the correct sized enclosure, or else your pet will be bored stiff.
They’re also very territorial creatures adult bearded dragons who come across one another challenge each other for dominance and access to mates in the same cage.
They puff out their beards and gape open-mouthed when this happens. They may also begin hissing at each other before biting attacks occur between them as a result of being stressed out or Territory Marking (Troublesome).
When the challenging male is not eliminated, it’s often because they are trying to assert their dominance.
Females often engage in an insect battle for control of food resources with other females.
Understanding The Appropriate Space
In the wild, beardies are found in captive-bred groups. In small tanks or containers where there isn’t enough space for each individual to roam around freely, they will often share an enclosure this helps them stay hydrated and provides some company.
Worry not, though. As long as it has its space and can make room for other animals like Russian tortoises or leopard turtles (among others), this little guy will be just fine.
The best tank size for your baby dragon is 10 gallons. Adult dragons need at least 25 – 50 gal., so they can walk around and be comfortable in their environment.
Keeping A Clean Environment
The different and distinct hygienic practices of reptiles can be confusing for new keepers. For example, if you want to house more than one (1) species of lizard or snake in your home – their care should also meet specific standards so they don’t conflict with each other.
Doing spot cleaning is important for the health and happiness of your beardies! It can be done once every eight hours.
Rough cleaning is also recommended. The bearded dragon’s enclosure needs to be cleaned. The easiest way is with a vinegar/water solution, so remove the animal from its container and wipe down all surfaces inside of it including walls or furniture that may have been missed by prior cleaning attempts!
Acquiring The Required Materials And Equipment
Do not be a boring pet owner; entertain your pets! Add pebbles and stones, soil, branches, and a variety of other objects that represent their natural habitats, such as heating or UV lamps, basking lamps, and Ceramic emitters.
Gender Considerations (For Bearded Dragons)
The gender of your beardie is important. There are many reasons why you should take my advice and not put two (2) male beardies in a single tank, for safety.
Male and female bearded dragons can be very protective of their territory, especially the alpha male. The best way to keep them from fighting? Make sure there is plenty of room for both males and females in your tank.
When two female bearded dragons are kept together in an enclosure, the chances of them mating and producing offspring increase. Adult reptiles will likely release their pent-up sexuality upon each other.
What Can Live With A Bearded Dragon? Pet Ideas
Other animals that your adult or juvenile bearded dragon can live alongside include;
Other Bearded Dragons
It’s important to keep a male and female apart as much physically possible. It will increase the health of both pets, plus make them happier too.
On some sites, the question of keeping bearded dragons together is frequently discussed, however, it is hotly argued what mixed-species exhibits.
Various Lizard Species
Not only can you get a different kind of lizard, but your soon-to-be companions are not limited to just one.
The best way to keep these nocturnal creatures company is by sending in monitor lizards, nocturnal geckos, shingleback lizards, frilled dragons, leopard geckos, nocturnal lizards, morph Lesser Coachwhip snakes, and other pets that cannot be either predators or prey.
Other Reptile Species
You can keep your pet lizards company with other types of nocturnal or monitor pets that are neither prey nor predator.
This is why it’s important to find the right species for your beardie. You don’t want any potential hazards in there with them.
The Tortoises
If you want to have your bearded dragon share space, this may be the best choice. Tortoises are herbivores and won’t prey on them no matter how much larger they get.
Examples of these tortoises: spurred tortoises, leopard tortoises, etc will make good cage mates.
The biggest concern with sharing a cage for these two reptiles is how much space they would need. They both have protective shells that keep them safe from harm, but the larger bearded dragon will likely take up more room than its smaller counterpart.
Bearded dragons are generally peaceful lizards but have been known to fight with other bearded dragons, especially when two males are housed together. If you house more than one bearded dragon in a tank, make sure to provide plenty of hiding places and perches so they can avoid each other if necessary.
Do not house bearded dragons with other animals that are known to be aggressive or territorial, such as snakes, large lizards, or mammals.
Also avoid housing bearded dragons with smaller animals that could be viewed as prey, such as rodents or birds. If you have any questions about whether a particular animal is safe to house with a bearded dragon, always consult a veterinarian or experienced reptile keeper for advice.