How Much Calcium Does A Bearded Dragon Need?

If you’re the proud owner of an adult or baby bearded dragon, then you want to make sure that he or she is getting the right amount of calcium in their diet. Not providing your …

How Much Calcium Does Bearded Dragon Needs

Last Updated on January 8, 2025 by Miranda

If you’re the proud owner of an adult or baby bearded dragon, then you want to make sure that he or she is getting the right amount of calcium in their diet. Not providing your bearded dragon with enough calcium can lead to health problems down the road.

how much calcium does a bearded dragon need
How Much Calcium Does A Bearded Dragon Need?

How Much Calcium Does A Bearded Dragon Need?

Bearded dragons are a popular pet and for good reason. They are relatively low maintenance, personable, and make great companions. But like all pets, they do require some care and attention. One important thing to keep in mind with bearded dragons is their calcium needs.

A properly calcium-balanced diet is essential for maintaining your bearded dragon’s health. This is because calcium is necessary for the development and maintenance of healthy bones and teeth. It also helps with muscle function and nerve transmission. Without enough calcium, your bearded dragon may develop bone deformities or experience muscle weakness.

Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. The amount of calcium your bearded dragon needs depends on lots of things which include their age, activity level, and whether or not they are pregnant or laying eggs. In general, however, most experts recommend providing 1-2 grams of calcium per day for an adult bearded dragon. Baby bearded dragons may need slightly more, while senior dragons may need slightly less.

If you are unsure about how much calcium your bearded dragon needs, it is always best to consult with a veterinarian.

What Happens if They Don’t Get Calcium?

Bearded dragons need a minimum of 10% calcium in their diet. If they don’t get enough, they could develop medical conditions like a metabolic bone disease. This is a serious condition that can lead to deformities and even death. Even if your bearded dragon seems healthy, it’s important to make sure they’re getting the right amount of calcium to prevent problems in the future. The best way to do this is to talk to your vet and follow their recommendations.

Long-term calcium deficiency can lead to metabolic bone disease, which causes fragile bones, deformities, and severe pain. This condition is preventable with proper diet and UVB exposure, emphasizing the need for a comprehensive care approach.

How Does Calcium Deficiency Affect Bearded Dragons?

A way to tell if your bearded dragon isn’t getting enough calcium is by looking at its bones. If their bones are thin and brittle, this is a sign of calcium deficiency. Call your vet if you notice any changes in your bearded dragon’s bone structure. It’s important to catch calcium deficiency early because it can lead to serious health problems.

Bearded dragons can also suffer from calcium overdose, a condition known as hypercalcemia. This can occur if they are given too much calcium supplement. Symptoms to watch for include lethargy, decreased appetite, constipation, and in severe cases, calcium deposits in the skin or internal organs. It’s crucial to maintain a balance and consult a vet if you notice any signs that may suggest an overdose, as it can lead to significant health concerns.

What Happens If Bearded Dragons Get Too Much Calcium?

Call your vet if you think your bearded dragon is having too much calcium. They will be able to help you determine if your bearded dragon is getting the correct amount of calcium and make any necessary adjustments to their diet. Some signs that your bearded dragon may be getting too much calcium include wheezing, difficulty breathing, and gaping.

If your bearded dragon is displaying any of these signs, it is important to take them to the vet as soon as possible as it may be experiencing respiratory distress. While it is important for bearded dragons to get calcium, it is possible for them to have too much calcium if they are not properly monitored.

How Often Do Beardies Need Calcium Powders?

When it comes to bearded dragon calcium, the rule is to offer it 3-4 times per week. However, some experts say that you can offer it every day. The important thing is to make sure that your bearded dragon is getting enough calcium in its diet. Avoid depriving or giving them excess calcium.

Juvenile bearded dragons generally require calcium supplements 5-7 times a week due to their rapid growth. Adults can manage with supplements 3-4 times per week, while older dragons might need tailored advice from a vet as their dietary needs can change.

how much calcium does a bearded dragon need
How Often Do Beardies Need Calcium Powder?

What Is The Best Way To Feed Dragon Calcium?

There are a few different ways you can offer calcium to your dragon. You can purchase supplements at your local pet store, or online. You can get calcium powders or liquid ones and add them to their food or water. You can also offer them calcium-rich foods such as leafy greens or insects that have been dusted with calcium powder.

Other than supplements, you can provide calcium through natural sources. Dark leafy greens such as collard greens and mustard greens offer a good calcium boost. Insects like crickets and dubia roaches, when gut-loaded with calcium powder prior to feeding, contribute positively to their diet.

You can also help ensure that your dragon gets calcium by offering a variety of calcium-rich foods, such as mealworms, crickets, and dark leafy greens. You should also provide a source of ultraviolet light, such as a reptile bulb, which helps dragons absorb calcium. By taking these steps, you can help keep your dragon healthy.

UVB lighting is essential for bearded dragons to synthesize Vitamin D3, which is necessary for them to absorb calcium effectively. Without adequate UVB exposure, even a calcium-rich diet will not prevent deficiencies. Ensure your bearded dragon’s habitat includes a high-quality UVB bulb, which should be replaced every six months — even if it appears operational, as the UVB output diminishes over time.

Can I Mix Calcium Powder In My Bearded Dragons Water?

If you’re wondering if you can mix calcium powder into your bearded dragon’s water, the answer is maybe. It really depends on the powder and your dragon. Some powders are not meant to be ingested and can actually harm your dragon if they drink them.

So, before you add anything to their water, be sure to check with your vet first. If your vet gives you the okay, then you’ll want to start by mixing a small amount of powder into their water. Keep an eye on your dragon to make sure they’re drinking it and don’t appear to be in any distress.

What Are The Benefits of Calcium and Vitamin D For In My Dragon’s Diet?

There are a few benefits of calcium and Vitamin D3 in a bearded dragon’s diet. Calcium is essential for bone growth and development. It also helps to regulate nerve and muscle function.

Vitamin D helps the body to absorb calcium. It is also necessary for proper immune system function. A lack of Vitamin D3 can cause problems such as soft bones, rickets, and respiratory distress. If you think your bearded dragon isn’t getting enough calcium or Vitamin D3, be sure to call your vet. They can help you determine the best course of action.

Do Baby Bearded Dragons Need Calcium?

If you’re considering getting a baby bearded dragon, you may be wondering if they need calcium supplements. The answer is yes, baby bearded dragons need calcium.

how much calcium does a bearded dragon need
Do Baby Bearded Dragons Need Calcium?

It is necessary for strong bones and teeth, proper muscle function, and healthy nerves and blood vessels.

Do Female Bearded Dragons Need Calcium Supplement?

Yes, Female bearded dragons need more calcium supplements than males, as they need extra calcium for egg production.


How much calcium does a bearded dragon need? A bearded dragon needs a diet that contains between 10 and 20 percent calcium. This can be provided through crickets, mealworms, leafy greens, and calcium supplements.

A lack of calcium can cause health problems, so it is important to make sure that your bearded dragon is getting enough of this essential nutrient. If you have any concerns about your pet’s diet, speak to a qualified veterinarian for advice.

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