How Many Locusts To Feed A Bearded Dragon?

Bearded dragons make popular pets because they are relatively low maintenance. One thing that you do need to keep an eye on, however, is how many locusts you feed them. Too few and they may …

how many locusts to feed a bearded dragon

Last Updated on March 23, 2022 by Miranda

Bearded dragons make popular pets because they are relatively low maintenance. One thing that you do need to keep an eye on, however, is how many locusts you feed them. Too few and they may not get the nutrients they need; too many and they may become overweight. In this article, we will explore how often you should feed your bearded dragon and how many locusts you should give them.

Bearded dragons should be fed every day. In the wild, they feast on a variety of insects, so it is important to offer them a varied diet in captivity as well. For young bearded dragons, start with five to six crickets or other small insects per day. As they get older, you can gradually increase the number of insects to ten per day.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Locusts?

Yes, bearded dragons can eat locusts. In fact, they are a great source of protein for them. Always make sure that the locusts you feed your bearded dragon are pesticide-free.

How Many Locusts To Feed A Bearded Dragon?

As a general rule, bearded dragons should be given anywhere from one to four locusts per day. It is important not to overfeed them, as this can lead to obesity and other health problems. If you are unsure how many locusts to feed your bearded dragon, ask your veterinarian for advice.

A bearded dragon’s diet should consist of 70% plant matter and 30% insects. So, if you are feeding your bearded dragon three locusts per day, make sure the rest of their diet consists of vegetables and other fruits.

When it comes to how often to feed your bearded dragon, it is important to stick to a regular schedule. This will help them stay healthy and maintain a proper weight.

Nutritional Value of Locusts

Bearded dragons can eat locusts as part of their diet. Locusts are a great source of protein for bearded dragons and are high in nutritional value. When feeding your bearded dragon locusts, make sure they are pesticide-free and have not been exposed to any harmful chemicals.

Source of Hydration

Bearded dragons need a constant source of hydration, so it is important to provide them with a water dish that they can easily access. You can also mist your bearded dragon’s enclosure with water a few times a day to help keep them hydrated.

Calcium And Vitamin D3

Bearded dragons need a constant source of calcium and vitamin D3 in order to stay healthy. You can provide them with these nutrients by feeding them locusts and other insects that have been fortified with calcium and vitamin D3. You can also give your bearded dragon a calcium supplement to make sure they are getting enough of these essential nutrients.

UVB Lighting

Bearded dragons also need UVB lighting in order to absorb calcium and vitamin D3. This type of lighting can be found in special bulbs that are made for reptiles. Make sure to provide your bearded dragon with a UVB light so they can stay healthy and thrive.

How Often Should I Feed My Bearded Dragon?

You should feed your bearded dragon every day. In the wild, they feast on a variety of insects, so it is important to offer them a varied diet in captivity as well. For young bearded dragons, start with five to six crickets or other small insects per day. As they get older, you can gradually increase the number of insects to ten per day.

A bearded dragon’s diet should consist of 70% plant matter and 30% insects. So, if you are feeding your bearded dragon three locusts per day, make sure the rest of their diet consists of vegetables and other fruits.

When it comes to how often to feed your bearded dragon, it is important to stick to a regular schedule. This will help them stay healthy and maintain a proper weight. If you have any questions about how often to feed your bearded dragon or what type of food to give them, be sure to talk to your veterinarian. They will be able to help you create a diet that is perfect for your pet.

List of other insects bearded dragons eat

Bearded dragons can also eat:

  • Butterflies
  • Bees
  • Wasp
  • Moths
  • Crickets
  • Grasshoppers
  • Scorpions
  • Spiders
  • Earthworms
  • Silkworms
  • Caterpillars
  • Daphnia (water fleas)
  • Bloodworms

How to serve locusts to your Bearded dragon

To serve locusts to your Bearded dragon, you can either give them live locusts or freeze-dried locusts. When feeding live locusts, make sure to only feed them a few at a time. This will help prevent your Bearded dragon from becoming overwhelmed and stressed.

You can also feed them frozen or freeze-dried locusts. These can be found at most pet stores. To prepare the locusts, simply place them in a bowl of warm water for a few minutes to thaw them out. Once they are thawed, you can offer them to your Bearded dragon.

When feeding locusts to your Bearded dragon, make sure to remove any uneaten insects from their enclosure after a few hours. This will help prevent them from becoming pests and will keep your Bearded dragon healthy and safe.

Tips and Tricks

Here are a few tips and tricks for feeding your Bearded dragon locusts:

  • Only offer your Bearded dragon a few live locusts at a time to prevent them from becoming overwhelmed or stressed.
  • You can also feed them frozen or freeze-dried locusts. These can be found at most pet stores.
  • To prepare the locusts, simply place them in a bowl of warm water for a few minutes to thaw them out.
  • When feeding locusts to your Bearded dragon, make sure to remove any uneaten insects from their enclosure after a few hours. This will help prevent them from becoming pests and will keep your Bearded dragon healthy and safe.
  • If you have any questions about how often to feed your bearded dragon or what type of food to give them, be sure to talk to your veterinarian. They will be able to help you create a diet that is perfect for your pet.


An excellent way to make sure your bearded dragon is eating a balanced diet and getting the nutrition they need, you should feed them locusts. Locusts are easy food that can be found at most pet stores or online. The best part? They’re also really affordable! If you have any questions about how often to feed your bearded dragon or what type of food to give them, be sure to talk to your veterinarian. They will be able to help you create a diet that is perfect for your pet.

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