How Long Can A Bearded Dragon Go Without Food?

Bearded dragons, like most other reptiles, are not true omnivores. This means that their diet must include both plant and animal material to be nutritionally complete. While they will eat a variety of fruits and …

how long can a bearded dragon go without food

Last Updated on March 23, 2022 by Miranda

Bearded dragons, like most other reptiles, are not true omnivores. This means that their diet must include both plant and animal material to be nutritionally complete. While they will eat a variety of fruits and vegetables in the wild, insects make up the majority of their diet.

This also means that bearded dragons should be fed a variety of different types of insects, as well as occasional pinkie mice or small lizards. A diet that is too high in insects can lead to problems like obesity and liver disease.

10 Reasons A Bearded Dragon May Go Without Food

A bearded dragon may go without food for a number of reasons. Whether it’s due to how you feed them, how often they are fed, how old the beardie is, and how much experience it has with eating food in captivity. Here are ten common causes of this problem.

  1. Not enough variety in their diet- If you only feed your bearded dragon insects, they will eventually stop eating altogether. Bearded dragons need a varied diet that includes both plants and animals.
  2. You’re not feeding them enough- Adult bearded dragons should be fed every other day. If you’re not feeding them enough, they will not have the energy to eat.
  3. They’re not hungry- Bearded dragons may not want to eat for a variety of reasons including stress, illness, or just plain old laziness.
  4. The food is too big- Bearded dragons have small mouths and can only swallow food that is the same size as their head. If the food is too big, they will not be able to eat it.
  5. They’re not used to eating food in captivity- If your bearded dragon is new to captivity, it may take some time for them to get used to eating food in their new environment.
  6. They’re not eating because they’re sick- If your bearded dragon is not eating, it may be a sign that they are sick. Contact your veterinarian if you think this may be the case.
  7. They’re too young to eat food- Baby bearded dragons should only be given water until they are at least six months old. At this point, they can start to eat small amounts of food.
  8. They’re molting- Bearded dragons will stop eating for a period of time when they are molting. This is perfectly normal and they will start to eat again once their new skin has hardened.
  9. They’re gravid- Female bearded dragons will stop eating when they are gravid (pregnant). This is because they are using all of their energy to produce eggs. They will start to eat again once they have laid their eggs.
  10. They’re basking- Bearded dragons spend a lot of time basking in the sun. This can make them less hungry because they are not using as much energy.

How long can a bearded dragon go without food: Tips and Tricks

If your bearded dragon is not eating, there are a few things you can do to try to get them to start eating again.

  • Try giving them a different type of food- If your bearded dragon is only eating insects, try giving them a small piece of fruit or vegetable. They may be more likely to eat it if they are hungry enough.
  • Try a different feeding method- If you have been feeding your bearded dragon by hand, try putting the food in a dish and see if they will eat it that way.
  • Try offering them live food- Bearded dragons are more likely to eat live food than dead food. Try putting a few live crickets in their tank and see if they will eat them.
  • Try supplementing their diet with vitamin supplements– If your bearded dragon is not eating, you may need to give them some supplemental vitamins to ensure that they are getting the nutrients they need.

Foods to avoid to feed your bearded dragon

There are a few foods that you should avoid feeding your bearded dragon in order to keep them healthy. These foods include:

  • Salads- Bearded dragons should not eat salads because they are high in fiber and can cause digestive problems.
  • Iceberg lettuce- Iceberg lettuce is not a good source of nutrition for bearded dragons and should be avoided.
  • Citrus fruits- Citrus fruits are high in acid and can cause digestive problems for bearded dragons.
  • Chocolate- Chocolate is toxic to bearded dragons and should never be given to them.
  • Insects- Bearded dragons should not eat insects that are larger than their head because they can choke on them.

How Often Should I Feed My Dragon

Adult bearded dragons should be fed every other day. If you’re not feeding them enough, they will not have the energy to eat. Baby bearded dragons should only be given water until they are at least six months old.

At this point, they can start to eat small amounts of food. Bearded dragons will stop eating for a period of time when they are molting. This is perfectly normal and they will start to eat again once their new skin has hardened.

Female bearded dragons will stop eating when they are gravid (pregnant). This is because they are using all of their energy to produce eggs. They will start to eat again once they have laid their eggs.

Bearded dragons spend a lot of time basking in the sun. This can make them less hungry because they are not using as much energy. If your bearded dragon is not eating, try giving them a different type of food or a different feeding method.

So how long can a bearded dragon go without food? You can know this by adding supplements to their diet and watching how they behave. Bearded dragons should not eat salads because they are high in fiber and can cause digestive problems.


Feeding a bearded dragon is not as difficult as it may seem. In general, they should be fed every other day and should not eat insects that are larger than their head. There are a few foods that you should avoid feeding in order to keep healthy. If your bearded dragon is not eating, try giving them a different type of food or supplementing their diet with vitamin supplements.

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