Do Bearded Dragons Eat Their Shed?

Bearded dragons, like most lizards, shed their skin as they grow. But do bearded dragons eat their shed? And if they eat, is it good for them? Let’s take a closer look. There is some …

Do Bearded Dragons Eat Their Shed?

Last Updated on May 13, 2022 by Miranda

Bearded dragons, like most lizards, shed their skin as they grow. But do bearded dragons eat their shed? And if they eat, is it good for them? Let’s take a closer look.

There is some debate among bearded dragon owners about whether or not bearded dragons eat their shed. Many believe that bearded dragons will ingest their shed skin naturally as a way to get the nutritional value of the old skin in order to help them grow.

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Others argue that it is unhealthy for them to consume their own shed, as it can cause impaction, which is a condition where the digestive system becomes blocked. The jury is still out on this one, but it seems that the best course of action is to err on the side of caution and not allow your bearded dragon to eat its shed.

Is It Normal For Bearded Dragons?

Yes, bearded dragons eat their own skin. This behavior is completely normal and encouraged for healthy bearded dragon growth. After a new layer of skin has formed underneath the old one, your pet will naturally shed its outer layer and consume it.

Bearded dragons are known to be omnivores, meaning they consume both plants and animals. However, the vast majority of their diet (about 80%) should be plant-based. The other 20% can be made up of insects, such as crickets and mealworms.

A healthy bearded dragon diet should also include a calcium supplement to help with bone growth.

What Are The Benefits?

Most owners believe that there are some benefits to this behavior. For example, by eating their own skin, bearded dragons can get the nutrients they need to help them grow. These nutrients include vitamins A and D, as well as protein and calcium.

Another benefit is that it helps keep your pet’s digestive system clean. Bearded dragons typically eat their skin after shedding it, which means any leftover food particles or bacteria are also eaten.

Do Bearded Dragons Eat Their Shed?

How Do You Encourage It?

Since it is natural for them to eat their own shed, the best way to encourage this behavior is to provide a healthy diet and environment for your pet. This means making sure that your bearded dragon has plenty of space to roam around in and lots of healthy food options.

You should also add a calcium supplement to your pet’s diet, which will help keep their bones strong. If you are concerned about your pet consuming its shed, however, you can simply place the discarded skin in a sealed container and take it out of reach.

Steps To Prevent Eating Its Shed

While it is normal for them to eat their own skin, some owners may not want their pet to consume its shed. If this is the case, there are a few steps you can take to prevent eating its shed.

The first step is to provide a healthy diet for your pet. This means making sure that your bearded dragon has plenty of fresh vegetables and insects to choose from, as well as a calcium supplement.

You should also make sure that your pet’s enclosure is clean and spacious enough for them to move around freely. This will help keep your pet happy and healthy, which may discourage them from eating their shed.

Do Bearded Dragons Eat Their Shed?

Stuck Shed On Your Beardie

A stuck shed can be unsightly, but did you know that some beardies actually eat their shed? While it may seem gross to us, there are a few reasons why your bearded dragon might do this.

For starters, eating their shed helps them to get rid of any leftover pieces that might be stuck to their skin. This Bearded dragon shedding process is a natural part of their life and shouldn’t be discouraged.

Bearded dragon skin is also very delicate, so any pieces left behind can rub against their skin and cause irritation or discomfort. Eating their shed not only helps to remove any lingering pieces but it’s a great way for your bearded dragon to get some extra nutrients in their diet.

Bearded Dragons Shed

The shedding process and frequency vary depending on the age and sex of your bearded dragon. Bearded dragon shed eating is a common occurrence. The bearded dragon’s skin contains many beneficial vitamins, minerals, and proteins that are good for the bearded dragon’s health.

Bearded dragon shedding is just one of the many fascinating things that make a bearded dragon such an interesting pet. Bearded dragon sheds are usually pretty noticeable: the new, fresh skin is much darker than the old, dry skin.

Adult bearded dragon shedding occurs less frequently than juveniles. On average, an adult bearded dragon will shed every 4 to 8 weeks, but this can vary depending on the individual lizard. Baby bearded dragons shed much more frequently than adults, and it’s normal for them to shed as often as once a week.

Do Other Reptiles Eat Their Shed?

Yes, many other reptiles also eat their own shed. Species of lizards that do this include geckos and iguanas, as well as snakes.

In fact, some people even believe that eating one’s shed can be beneficial to a reptile’s health by providing them with the nutrients they need to grow and stay strong. However, it is always best to err on the side of caution and consult with a veterinarian before allowing your pet to consume its shed.

Do Bearded Dragons Eat Their Shed?

What Should You Do if Your Bearded Dragon Has Eaten Its Shed?

If your bearded dragon has eaten its shed, then it may be worth speaking to a vet and asking their advice. It is possible that the bearded dragon was just trying to clean itself up and remove any lingering skin, but you should always speak with professionals before making a decision about what to do next.

Some veterinarians may tell you not to worry about it and that your bearded dragon will be just fine, but others may recommend taking your pet to the vet for a check-up just to be safe. If you are at all concerned about your bearded dragon’s health, then it is always best to take them to the vet.

Risks Associated With a Bearded Dragon Eating Its Shed?

The main risk associated with a bearded dragon eating its shed is that it could potentially ingest bacteria from the skin. If your pet becomes ill after consuming their shed, then you should take them to the vet for a check-up just to be safe.

Other risks include malnutrition or a weakened immune system due to an unbalanced diet. An owner who is not providing their bearded dragon with the necessary nutrients may find that their pet begins eating its shed in order to get those nutrients on its own.

Therefore, it is important for owners to make sure that their pets are getting all of the vitamins and minerals they need from their food. This will help prevent your reptile from seeking out nutrients in other ways, like eating their shed.

Conclusion – Do Bearded Dragons Eat Their Shed?

Yes, it is perfectly normal for bearded dragons to eat their own shed. In fact, many reptiles do this in order to get the nutrients they need to grow and stay healthy.

However, some owners may not want their pet to consume its shed. If this is the case, there are a few steps you can take to prevent your bearded dragon from eating their shed. These include providing a healthy diet, making sure your pet’s enclosure is clean and spacious, and consulting with a veterinarian if you are concerned about your pet’s health.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to allow your pet to consume its own shed is up to you, but it is important to be aware of the risks associated with this behavior and to take action accordingly.

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