Can You Use A Fish Tank For A Bearded Dragon?

A Bearded Dragon is a type of lizard that is popular as a pet. They are native to Australia and like to live in warm, dry climates. Bearded Dragons need plenty of space to move …

Can You Use A Fish Tank For A Bearded Dragon?

Last Updated on May 13, 2022 by Miranda

A Bearded Dragon is a type of lizard that is popular as a pet. They are native to Australia and like to live in warm, dry climates. Bearded Dragons need plenty of space to move around, and they enjoy climbing and basking in the sun. If you’re thinking about getting a Bearded Dragon, one of the first things you’ll need to decide is where to house your new pet. So, Can You Use A Fish Tank For A Bearded Dragon?

Some people choose to keep their Bearded Dragons in an aquarium or fish tank, while others build them a special enclosure. Bearded Dragons can live in either type of home, but there are pros and cons to each.

One downside of using an aquarium or fish tank is that Bearded Dragons can be escape artists. They’re good climbers and can squeeze through small spaces. If you choose to use an aquarium, make sure it has a secure lid.

In this article, we’ll take a look at keeping reptiles in fish tanks. And, whether or not this is a good idea or do you need to buy a specific bearded dragon tank.

old fish tank for juvenile bearded dragons

Con’s Of Using An Fish Tank For A Bearded Dragon

While a fish tank might be an option for a temporary home for your reptile, it is not ideal for a number of reasons. First, most fish tanks are too small to provide adequate space for a lizard to move around and exercise.

Second, the sides of a fish tank are too slick for a lizard to climb, which can prevent them from getting the exercise they need. Third, the glass of a fish tank can get too hot, which can be harmful to your lizard.

Finally, fish tanks do not provide the necessary ventilation for lizards, which can lead to respiratory problems. While a fish tank might be an option in a pinch, it is not the ideal home for a healthy and happy bearded dragon.

Bearded Dragons require tanks or enclosures that are spacious for them to move around. Bearded Dragons are excellent climbers and can easily escape from fish tanks.

Can A 20-gallon Fish Tank hold an adult bearded dragon?

A 20-gallon fish tank is too small to hold adult bearded dragons. Bearded dragons are active reptiles that need plenty of space to move around. In addition, they require a warm environment, which a 20-gallon tank cannot provide.

They also need a basking area where they can soak up heat from a basking bulb. A 20-gallon tank simply doesn’t provide enough space for one let alone two bearded dragons. Try a 30-gallon tank instead. It will be large enough for your bearded dragon to stretch its legs and set up a basking area.

It will be easier to maintain the proper temperature in a larger tank accurately. A 100-gallon tank is too large for young bearded dragons. The reptile will have difficulty moving around, and the tank will be difficult to heat evenly.

Stick with a perfect 30-gallon tank for your baby bearded dragon or an adult. Use a fish tank that is 30-gallon in which you can keep single or multiple lizards.

glass enclosure clean air flowing

What kind of tank does a bearded dragon need?

When it comes to providing a tank for your bearded dragon, you will want to make sure that you get a durable and well-made tank. This means that the insulation of the tank should be made out of durable material such as glass or acrylic. Ideally, you would want a glass tank, since glass is able to maintain consistent temperature levels inside the tank.

Additionally, it is important to choose a tank that is the appropriate size for your lizard and can hold enough substrate to keep your dragon comfortable.

So whether you are shopping for yourself or ready to get started building your own enclosure at home, just remember to consider these key factors when choosing your bearded dragon’s new habitat

Where should I put my bearded dragon’s tank?

When choosing a location for your bearded dragon’s tank, there are several important factors to keep in mind. First, it is crucial to keep your tank in a cool and well-ventilated area. This will ensure that the temperature inside the tank remains stable and provide plenty of air circulation to the reptile.

You should also make sure to use a temp gauge in order to monitor the temperature and keep it within the optimal range for your bearded dragon. Additionally, it is important to provide UV light for your bearded dragon, as this helps her maintain healthy skin, water balance, and metabolism.

Ultimately, when carefully considering these key elements, you can be sure that you have chosen an excellent location for your pet’s habitat.

What is the difference between a fish tank and a reptile tank?

The primary difference between a fish tank and a reptile tank is the lid. A fish tank has a solid glass or acrylic lid that covers the entire top of the tank. This is necessary to prevent evaporation and to maintain water quality.

A lizard tank, on the other hand, typically has a screen top that allows for better ventilation. In addition, reptile tanks require different equipment to maintain the correct temperature and humidity levels.

A fish tank can be equipped with a heater to maintain a consistent temperature, but a lizard tank also needs a thermometer and hygrometer to monitor temperature and humidity levels. Finally, a lizard tank must have a UV heat lamp to provide the animal with the proper level of UVB exposure.

Can You Use A Fish Tank For A Bearded Dragon?


Use a fish tank because it is a good option if you’re short on space. Bearded Dragons need at least a 20-gallon tank, but the bigger the better. You’ll also need to provide a basking spot for your Bearded Dragon to climb on and a UV basking light to help them absorb calcium.

Tanks made for reptiles are the best option, but they can be expensive. If you’re on a budget, an aquarium with a screen top will work just fine. Be sure to monitor the temperature and humidity levels closely to ensure your Bearded Dragon stays healthy and happy.

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